Shame on… Malawi Voice

A big shame on Malawi Voice  for inciting and proliferating homophobic sentiments among Malawians! As a Malawian who values the significance of personal freedom, I find it pathetic that you, Malawi voice, are on the forefront of spreading needless hatred among my people. Yes, I understand that the majority of Malawians are homophobic, but that fact in itself must not justify homophobia. What happened to the time when the media used to fight for the rights of marginalized people?

Malawi Voice, you need serious introspection for you seem to ignore the fact that Malawi is a diverse country. Need I remind you that not every Malawian is Christian? Yes, statistics indicate that over 80% of Malawians identify themselves as Christians but that in itself does not mean Malawi is a theocracy. The last time we checked Malawi is a secular country, therefore you must be a hardcore moron if you believe that Malawi is governed based on biblical principals.

Malawi Voice logo

Malawi Voice logo

Malawi voice, why are you anti-gay rights anyways? Is it really about following prescriptions of the Abrahamic God, as presented in the bible? Should I assume that you uphold every law found in the book of Leviticus in your daily life? Cause if not, then I say double shame on you for your desperate homophobia and deliberate hypocrisy.

Why do you hate gay people that much, though? Seriously, If you have absolute conviction that gays are sinners, what makes you hate them so much than you hate corrupt politicians? Why don’t you hate brutal policemen as much as you hate gays? Why can’t you chastise irresponsible Members of Parliament the same way you have been chastising homosexuals? To be honest, corrupt politicians, irresponsible MPs, and negligent policemen are responsible for the miserable life that most Malawians experience – not gays. Therefore, I find it ironic that, as a media house, you can’t stand gays and are quick to point dubious scriptures that condemn homosexuals while at the same time you tolerate corrupt politicians to get away with blatant incompetence

Malawi Voice, you should be ashamed of your deeds. If John says he is gay, why  should you lose sleep over it? Why should you find it necessary to inundate him with a barrage of hateful verses from a list of verses that you do not honor yourself? Again, need I remind you that it is NOT compulsory to honor biblical verses?

We live in an era where every man has the liberty to live his life as he pleases as long as he is not violating the next man’s liberties in the process. As an established online media outlet, you should be aware of this – at least that’s what I thought. How is it so hard to comprehend such simple principles? Why do you feel the need to regress our society to periods when people used to be persecuted for who they are? As a people who were on the receiving end of gross forms of injustice such as slavery and colonialism, we ought to be aware that hating people for who they are leads to unconformable disasters.

Before I finish, let me say that if you are convinced that homosexuality is a sin, let God take care of that. Besides, scientists have proved the existence of a ‘gay gene,’ which validates the idea that being gay is not necessarily a choice. So, if homosexuality is an inborn thing, you ought to understand that merely printing hateful verses and brandishing them in the streets and on social media won’t change someone’s sexual orientation. Either way, shame on you Malawi voice! In lieu of promoting an inclusionary society, you are busy promoting an exclusionary society. What do you hope to benefit from promoting hate and bigotry? Understand that it is your behavior of posting repugnant ideas that has prompted me to say, in Comrade Robert Mugabe style, shame, shame, shame to you, Malawi Voice, a substandard and unprofessional Malawian online news outlet.

About chikusa316

This blog expresses ideas of Gibson Kamanga and Limbani Kamanga. Gibson holds a BA degree in journalism, which he obtained from the University of Malawi (Polytechnic). Currently, he lectures at Malawi Institute of Journalism (MIJ), Mzuzu campus. Limbani, on the other hand, graduated from the College of Wooster with a BA in International Relations. Freedom of speech is the name of the game. Contact us: or
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